Turn ON and OFF LED by a clap

Description: I have made a LED bulb that will turn ON and OFF by a clap using Arduino
Here the items you need:
- Arduino UNO board
- 5V Relay module
- Sound Sensor
- Led Bulb
- Jumper wires
- Holder and multicore wires.
While you will be working with AC appliances as well, therefore, make sure the LED switch is OFF and Arduino Board is not plugged in with your PC/Laptop.
Circuit Diagram:
Circuit Overview:
Following are the pins which will connect to the circuit.
1. Sound Sensor(SS).
- A0(SS)pin attach to A0 pin (Arduino).
- GND(SS)pin to the GND pin(Arduino).
- VCC(SS)pin to the 3.3Vpin (Arduino).
2. 5V Relay Module(RM).
- IN(RM)pin attach to pin 8 (Arduino).
- GND(RM)pin attach to GND pin ( Arduino).
- VCC(RM)pin to the 5V pin (Arduino).
- NO(normally open of RM) pin attach to Holder. (multicore wire)
- COM (RM)pin attach to Two-pin plug. (multicore wire)
3. Holder.
- Holder’s one wire attaches to a two-pin plug and another wire attaches to NO(RM).
Make a connection as shown in the figure.
Now open the Arduino IDE and type the code from here.
- First, compile the program.
- Make sure all your connections are proper in the circuit.
- Plugin your Arduino board and select the board.
- Select the Port.
- Then upload your code.